Updates on Sawtooth Ridge 50M — and 50K!


We have a few updates for our Sawtooth Ridge race on Saturday, July 9th. Get ready for a big day in the mountains!

Added a 50K

We added a 50K that starts at 8:00am. You can get all the course details hereand register here. The course has approximately 9,000’ of gain and, like the 50M, ends with a 6,000’ descent.

Many thanks to the runners who suggested a second distance!

Partnered with Cascade Endurance on a race-specific training plan

The good folks at Cascade Endurance graciously created a training plan specifically for the 50M — and the sneaky vertical you’ll face on it. For details, drop Alison Naney or us a line. 

As part of our commitment to making our races accessible (despite being off the beaten path), we will cover a training plan for two runners who wouldn’t quite feel up to the 50M challenge otherwise — first come, first served. Email Denis if you’re interested.

When you’re on the course, be sure to thank Cascade Endurance, who will be staffing the Raven Ridge aid station. we cannot thank our volunteer partners enough.

Recruiting volunteers

How could we send a mass email without asking for volunteers?!? We’re looking for more great volunteers to help our runners on race day. We have assignments for all experiences and durations. Drop us a line if you’re interested. All our volunteers get a “public lands owner” t-shirt as our small way of saying thanks.

See you in July!

Colin CookComment